حفدة الأيوبي ( كامل أحمرو) - أويس و إياس أحمرو الأيوبي - Al-Ayoubi Grandsons : Oways & Iyas
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حفدة الأيوبي ( كامل أحمرو) - أويس و إياس أحمرو الأيوبي - Al-Ayoubi Grandsons : Oways & Iyas
حياكم الله وبياكم وجعل الجنة مأوانا و مأواكم. تفضلوا بالدخول أو التسجيل. يسُرّنا تواجدكم.
You are welcomed. May Allah forgive us our sins and admit us to everlasting Gardens . Register or enter the Forum and pick up what you like .Your presence pleases us
حفدة الأيوبي ( كامل أحمرو) - أويس و إياس أحمرو الأيوبي - Al-Ayoubi Grandsons : Oways & Iyas
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

حفدة الأيوبي ( كامل أحمرو) - أويس و إياس أحمرو الأيوبي - Al-Ayoubi Grandsons : Oways & Iyas

منتدى لمحبي الله ورسوله والساعين لمرضاته وجنته ، المسارعين في الخيرات ودفع الشبهات ، الفارين من الشهوات .
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 (Umm Salamah bint Abu Amayyah ( Hind

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عضو وفيّ
عضو وفيّ

عدد المساهمات : 108
تاريخ التسجيل : 03/04/2012
العمر : 34
الموقع : yasmeenalhilo@aol.com

(Umm Salamah bint Abu Amayyah ( Hind   Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: (Umm Salamah bint Abu Amayyah ( Hind    (Umm Salamah bint Abu Amayyah ( Hind   Emptyالسبت مارس 02, 2013 10:59 am

- Hind - Umm Salamah bint Abu Amayyah (RA)

She was Hind bint Abi Umayyah. Her father was Umayyah bin Abdullaah bin ‘Amr bin Makhzoom, a very wealthy man who was famous for his charity. Her mother was ‘Atikah bint Amr bin Rabee ‘ah bin Khazeemah. Umm Salamah first married ‘Abdullaah bin ‘Abdul Asad Makhzumi (aka Abu Salamah) who was also from a very rich family.

In the beginning everybody was happy, but when the couple embraced Islam things changed radically. The entire family turned against them and started to create problems. Other Muslims faced the same kind of problems and the Muslims generally suffered heavily as a result of their new found faith. Eventually the Prophet arranged for some of the Muslims to migrate to Abyssinia where the Christian king was much more tolerant of Islaam. Sixteen people including Umm Salamah and her husband made the trip. While in Abyssinia she gave birth to four children. Although life was very peaceful in Abyssinia, Umm Salamah longed to be back in Makkah. A false rumour reached her that the persecution of Muslims in Makkah had stopped due to the influence of ‘Umar and she and her family returned home, only to discover that the persecution was worse than before. Just as they were about to return to Abyssinia, the Prophet ordered the Muslims to migrate to Madinah. Abu Salamah and his family left Makkah on camels, but Umm Salamah’s family prevented her from going with him. Abu Salamah’s family, on the other hand, forcefully took the children and he ended up going to Madinah alone. Thus the family was split in three. Umm Salamah was very sad and cried most of the time. One day one of the members of the tribe came to know about her situation. He went to both families and severely rebuked them for their action. They relented and allowed Umm Salamah and her children to join Abu Salamah in Madinah.

Umm Salamah and her children set out for Madinah on their own. When they reached Tan’eem she met Uthmaan bin Talhah Abdari, who, after having heard her sad story, decided to accompany them even though he himself had not yet accepted Islaam. They reached Madinah safely and Umm Salamah praised the gentlemanly behavior of Uthmaan.

Abu Salamah took part in the Battles of Badr and Uhud. He suffered severe wounds from the battle of Uhud. About two months after Uhud the Prophet heard that Banu Asad was planning to attack the Muslims. He prepared his army for battle and put Abu Salamah in charge. He once again routed the enemy and gained a decisive victory. But the wounds of Uhud had never really healed and started to bleed again. On his deathbed he prayed that after his death Allaah grant Umm Salamah a husband who would give her neither sorrow nor hardship.

When Abu Salamah passed away and Umm Salamah had completed her iddah, Abu Bakr proposed marriage to her, but she refused. Then ‘Umar inb Hattab proposed to her, but she also refused. Then the Prophet proposed to her and she told him she had three reservations. She was hot headed and may sometimes be rude to the Prophet, she was elderly and she had many children. The Prophet said he would pray to Allaah regarding her temper, he was also an elderly man, and as far as her children were concerned, they were precisely the reason why he had proposed to her. The Prophet married her in Shawwaal in the 4th year of the hijrah.

Um Salamah was a very wise woman. After the Treaty was signed at Hudaybiyyah, the companions were not very happy and would not sacrifice their animals neither shave their heads to release themselves from ihram as the Prophet had ordered. Umm Salamah advised him not to speak about it any further but simply to go ahead with the procedure himself. When he did this, all the companions followed him.

A number of aayaat -Verses - of Quraan were revealed while the Prophet was in the apartment of Umm Salamah.

Umm Salamah was active in many of the battles of Islaam. She was with the Prophet in the battles of Mustalaq, Taif, Khaibar, Hunain and the conquest of Makkah.

Umm Salamah also saw Jibreel once in human form.

Umm Salamah was well versed in Islaam, especially in giving legal verdicts and she was an expert in the fields of radaa ‘ah (foster relations through suckling) and divorce. She was the most knowledgeable in giving verdicts on points of law. She related three hundred and eighty seven ahaadeeth of the Prophet. She also had mastery over the Arabic language and was also haafithatul Quraan.

She was the last of the wives of the prophet to pass away, aged eighty four, during the reign of Yazeed bin Muaawiyah. She was buried in Jannatul Baaqi. Having been present at the signing of the treaty of Hudaybiyyah, she was guaranteed Jannah, as the Prophet is reported to have said that those present at the treaty will not go to hell.
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(Umm Salamah bint Abu Amayyah ( Hind
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حفدة الأيوبي ( كامل أحمرو) - أويس و إياس أحمرو الأيوبي - Al-Ayoubi Grandsons : Oways & Iyas  :: أمهاتنا :" زوجات سيدنا النبي عليه السلام " -rAaa-Prophet's Wives-
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