حفدة الأيوبي ( كامل أحمرو) - أويس و إياس أحمرو الأيوبي - Al-Ayoubi Grandsons : Oways & Iyas
حياكم الله وبياكم وجعل الجنة مأوانا و مأواكم. تفضلوا بالدخول أو التسجيل. يسُرّنا تواجدكم.
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حفدة الأيوبي ( كامل أحمرو) - أويس و إياس أحمرو الأيوبي - Al-Ayoubi Grandsons : Oways & Iyas
حياكم الله وبياكم وجعل الجنة مأوانا و مأواكم. تفضلوا بالدخول أو التسجيل. يسُرّنا تواجدكم.
You are welcomed. May Allah forgive us our sins and admit us to everlasting Gardens . Register or enter the Forum and pick up what you like .Your presence pleases us
حفدة الأيوبي ( كامل أحمرو) - أويس و إياس أحمرو الأيوبي - Al-Ayoubi Grandsons : Oways & Iyas
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

حفدة الأيوبي ( كامل أحمرو) - أويس و إياس أحمرو الأيوبي - Al-Ayoubi Grandsons : Oways & Iyas

منتدى لمحبي الله ورسوله والساعين لمرضاته وجنته ، المسارعين في الخيرات ودفع الشبهات ، الفارين من الشهوات .
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 Safiyyah bint Huyaiyy

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عضو وفيّ
عضو وفيّ

عدد المساهمات : 108
تاريخ التسجيل : 03/04/2012
العمر : 34
الموقع : yasmeenalhilo@aol.com

Safiyyah bint Huyaiyy Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Safiyyah bint Huyaiyy   Safiyyah bint Huyaiyy Emptyالسبت مارس 02, 2013 11:31 am

Safiyyah bint Huyaiyy RA

She was the daughter of chief of the tribe of Banu Nadeer, Huyaiyy bin Akhtab. Her mother was Barah bint Shamwaal. She was first married to Salaam bin Mahkam, but the marriage broke up due to incompatibility. She then married Kanaanah bin Rabee’. He was captured during the battle of Khaibar and killed for the crime of misgovernment. Her father was also killed in this battle.

Safiyyah was amongst the prisoners of war. Dahyah Kalbi was given the option to choose a slave girl and he opted for Safiyyah, but one of the other companions suggested the Prophet take her for himself as she was the daughter of a leader. The Prophet did so and offered Dahyah a second choice. He chose the sister of Safiyyah’s slain husband. The Prophet then freed Safiyyah and married her with her freedom as her dowry.

Safiyyah thus travelled from Khaibar to Madinah as the Prophet’s new wife. On their arrival in Madinah the people came out to greet the Prophet and his victorious army while his wives were waiting in their respective apartments. When it became known that the Prophet had a new wife with him, a natural jealousy overtook Aishah. The couple moved into the house of Harithah bin Nu’maan. After some time Aishah visited Safiyyah and on her return the Prophet asked her what she thought of her. Aishah’s reply was: “I saw the Jewess.” The prophet gently rebuked her and told her that she should no longer call her a Jewess as she had accepted Islaam.

Once Safiyyah moved into her own apartment, she displayed her noble upbringing by adopting a pleasant and friendly attitude towards the other wives of the Prophet. As the daughter of the chief of her tribe, she owned expensive jewellery, which she gave as gifts to the other wives. She tried her best to win the favour of Aishah and Hafsah as she knew that these two were the Prophet’s favourites.

On one occasion Safiyyah complained to the Prophet about Hafsah taunting her by calling her the daughter of a Jew. The Prophet told her that she should have told Hafsah that she (Hafsah) could not be better than her (Safiyyah), as her husband was Muhammad, her father was Haroon and her uncle was Moosa.

Imaam Thahbi describes Hafsah as noble by birth as well as by nature, God-fearing, intelligent, beautiful, tolerant and dignified. She spent a lot of time reading the Quraan with such concentration and understanding that she always ended up crying. Once some of the companions assembled in her house and recited the Quraan and performed nafl salaah. Safiyyah commended them on these deeds and advised that they should cry too, with the fear of Allaah.

Once her maid went to the Khalifah Umar and told him that Safiyyah was still observing Saturday as the Sabbath and kept good relations with her Jewish family. Umar summoned her and she explained that since she embraced Islaam she stopped giving importance to Saturdays. As for her relations with her family, she said she was following the dictates of the Quraan to maintain good relations with one’s family. When she later discovered that it was her maid that carried these tales to the khalifah, she asked her why she did it. The girl answered that Shaytaan had incited her. Hearing this, she set the girl free.

Safiyyah passed away in the fiftieth year of the hijrah during the khilaafh of Muaawiyah and was buried in Jannatul Baaqi. She left behind a hundred thousand dirhams which was distributed to the poor according to her will.
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Safiyyah bint Huyaiyy
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» (Suadah Bint Zam ‘ah (RA
»  (Hafsah bint Umar (RA
» (Zainab bint Khuzaymah (RA
» Zainab bint Jahsh
» Jawaahirah bint Harith -RA

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حفدة الأيوبي ( كامل أحمرو) - أويس و إياس أحمرو الأيوبي - Al-Ayoubi Grandsons : Oways & Iyas  :: أمهاتنا :" زوجات سيدنا النبي عليه السلام " -rAaa-Prophet's Wives-
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